Until I See You Again…

Henry "Dru" Onyango
3 min readJun 18, 2018


Hey Julius,

Henry here.

A day from now would mark my birthday. More importantly though, it would mean 3 years since we threw the dust on your grave. I won’t lie, I don’t think about you always but every once in a while, memories flood back in and I find myself reminiscing, wishing you were here so I didn’t have to write such a long post.

A lot has changed mate as am sure you know, granted you are looking at us from up above. Where do I begin? The good news or the bad new? Or do I just mix both in one big bowl?

We lost touch, a lot of us. I haven’t spoken to Donald in a minute, and to be honest, I really don’t know where he is or how he is doing. Same goes for Nobert and pretty much the whole UoN gang. I also still haven’t worn the graduation cap either. Starting to wonder if it’s even that important though.

But enough with the bad news, right? You were always so optimistic and I’m certain you’d rather here about all the amazing things that we have been up to. Robert got a new job, couldn’t be happier for him. He’s all grown now, and not just physically. He’s more mature than he was way back in the day. Remember Mercy? Well, she graduated school and is working her way towards her dreams. Aside from being scared, like we are all every once in a while, she is doing just fine. Churchill on the other hand still as crazy as he used to be. He’s in Kisumu, working. I’m sure they all miss you too.

Wanga is in Migori working for some IT company. Not really sure what he’s actually job is, but I’m certain whatever it is — he’ll make it work for him. He’s Wanga after all, you know?

My cousin, Sia (you never met her) also got hitched. Yeap, the guy jumped the broom. Reeves became our school president and is currently working his way up the political ladder. I’d say good luck to him, but you know how slick that dude can be; I’m sure he’ll be alright. And then there is David, remember him too? He grew beards, lots of ’em. It’s a thing nowadays, anybody who can grow beards grows. Unlucky for us who were cursed. You wouldn’t have grown one, don’t even think about it.

And then there is me. A lot has happened mate. I don’t even know where to begin. Remember that thing that started as a joke way back before you left? We turned three a few weeks ago. I wish you could have met Micha and Mike. The team has become more solid, we handling projects we never thought we would and the future really looks promising. My network has expanded, meeting new people I never thought I’d ever get the chance to meet. Made some awesome friends that I’m sure you’d have loved and who would have equally been jazzed by your radiance.

I have also worked a couple of jobs, met some “interesting” bosses, and when I say interesting, I mean on both extremes — the worst possible and of course amazing souls.

I am often too busy nowadays, and I think if you were still here you’d also be among the line of people who complain I’m always unavailable. I try not to be though, but the truth is I haven’t really figured out the whole balance thing. The best I can do is try, fail and learn.

I might be moving a way for a while. Got shortlisted for a scholarship and I am on the final stages of the interview. Pull some strings with the Big Man up there and let me land this, it’s really important.

There’s a lot more I can tell you, but am afraid medium wouldn’t be enough to express them all, and plus I have projects to clear. I really do hope we have made you proud though. I’ll try to touch base with Donald and Nobert and see how they are doing.

With love,


P.S — Gone but not forgotten.



Henry "Dru" Onyango
Henry "Dru" Onyango

Written by Henry "Dru" Onyango

Building products somewhere in Africa. Sometimes I write.

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