Productivity Hacks: Get More Done
Over the years, especially due to programming, I have gathered a few productivity hacks to improve my efficiency (and that of the team) with the goal of delivering more output whilst maintaining the same level of quality. So here’s a list of productivity hacks, related to working individually and with a group.
They are in no particular order, I’m just throwing them out there:
- Clearly outline the goals, outcomes or expectations. What marks the task as completed?
- Trade quantity hours for quality hours. It’s less being busy and more being productive. So don’t focus on how long you have to work, instead look at how many things have to done. In fact, work less hours but get more done
- Break down or judo the problem into smaller chunks. The smaller the better.
- Keep a list. Make it short, clear and precise.
- Have focus or power hours. You can use Pomodoro technique to track your working hours vis-à-vis the work done.
- Designate a working station or desk. Keep it sacred.
- Get wired in.
- Inspiration has an expiration date — utilize it fully when it hits.
- Take a break, there will always be work to be done.
- Remove distractions — emails, Facebook, Twitter.
- Avoid multi-tasking at all cost. Work on one task at a time.
- Start with the easiest tasks first to get in flow.
- Don’t spend too long on a task that seems to be giving you a hard time. Going into “hero mode” never helped one.
- Ask for help when stuck. You’ll be surprised how much your team members are willing to help.
- Have your custom mix. I’m talking about a list of songs that gets you psyched up. Hit me up if you want us to swap mixes.
- Deadlines are guesses. Don’t focus too much on them, hardly anyone ever gets them right.
- Say No a lot, especially to random tasks (that are trivial) and are unplanned for.
- Keep an open-mind. Don’t be too rigid on the methodology to be employed or the outcome expectations.
- Prioritize. Keep this simple.
- Know yourself and what works for you. Are you a morning person? Do you work best at night? How best can you get in flow?
Parting shot
Sometimes, it’s inevitable that we work longer hours than we want to. However, constantly working longer hours actually means it might be time to think about your efficiency — because the truth is, if you work more and get less done; you are busy not productive.